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Top Causes of Blurry Vision

Vision is a vital sense that gives you a window into your environment. We get most of our impressions about our environment from what we see. What’s more, a larger part of your brain is dedicated to vision than other senses, so when vision problems arise, it can be scary. 


Blurry vision is one of the most common issues concerning your sight. Whether it occurs suddenly or develops gradually, seeking professional evaluation is the best first step. 


For many people, blurry vision is the first symptom that there’s something going on with their eyes. Our team at Black Hills Regional Eye Institute is eager to share insights on the possible causes of blurry vision.

Refractive errors

Refractive errors occur when the shape of your eye fails to bend light correctly. This causes images to appear blurred. Refractive issues include the following:


Nearsightedness is the inability to see objects that are far away. Squinting, eyestrain and blurry vision are common symptoms. 


Farsightedness, conversely, doesn’t affect your ability to see objects that are farther away, but objects that are nearer to you are out of focus. 


Astigmatism occurs because the cornea is shaped abnormally, distorting your vision.


The good news is that prescription eyeglasses, contact lenses, or reading glasses can usually correct refractive errors and get your visual acuity back on track. 

Dry eyes

Dry eyes commonly contribute to blurry vision. This condition occurs when there’s a tear-production issue or the quality of your tears can’t sufficiently lubricate your eyes. Although you can suffer from dry eyes at any time of the year, it’s particularly common during the colder months when the air is drier and lower in humidity. 


More than 16 million Americans suffer from dry eyes in the winter months. In most cases, the problem can be treated with a type of eye drops called artificial tears. Other treatment options, such as medication to reduce inflammation, may also help. 


Over the last decade, mobile devices have become an increasingly large cause of eyestrain. On average, Americans spend seven hours a day on a computer and additional time looking at a mobile device screen. Whether it’s texting or playing games on a tablet, mobile devices are a major part of our lives.


Consider taking a break every 20 minutes to rest your eyes. Wearing computer glasses may also help by reducing glare and increasing contrast. If you continue to experience blurry vision, make an appointment with Dr. Stephen Khachikian to make sure there’s nothing more serious going on. 

Eye conditions

In some cases, blurry vision is a sign of more serious eye conditions that, if left untreated, can cause blindness. Cataracts and glaucoma are two such conditions that have blurry vision as an early symptom.


Diabetic retinopathy and a possible accompanying vision loss through diabetic macular edema can cause blurry vision, as is age-related macular degeneration. Regular diabetic eye exams can help patients with diabetes better manage eye-related effects. 


If you’re experiencing blurry vision, make an appointment at Black Hills Regional Eye Institute in Rapid City, South Dakota. Call 605-203-4268, or book your consultation online. You can also send a message to Dr. Khachikian and the team here on the website.


Our highly trained and experienced team will help figure out what’s going on and get you back to seeing your best.

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