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Understanding Your Fuchs' Endothelial Dystrophy Diagnosis Oct 11th, 2024

Receiving a Fuchs’ endothelial dystrophy diagnosis can feel overwhelming, but understanding the condition — a cornea problem — and its progression is the first step toward managing your eye health. Board-certified ophthalmologist and cornea specialist Stephen Khachikian, MD, is here to guide you through your diagnosis at his state-of-the-art office...

When to Consider Refractive Surgery for Farsightedness Sep 18th, 2024

Have you been farsighted for a number of years? Perhaps you’ve worn reading glasses or contacts to read books and see objects that are close to you. Now, you’re squinting to see printed material even with glasses or contacts. Your eye muscles are working overtime, and you may develop eye...

5 Encouraging Facts About Cataracts Aug 7th, 2024

Cataracts are common as you reach old age. About half of people over 80 either have cataracts or have had surgery to remove them.  Dr. Stephen Khachikian sees cataracts in many older patients. This eye condition often begins to develop when you’re 40-50 years old, and while you understandably don’t...

How Does Astigmatism Affect Your Vision? Jul 19th, 2024

Does your vision blur when you’re trying to read tiny prints or numbers on a pharmacy bottle? You may have astigmatism. It’s a common refractive error due to a greater-than-normal curve in your eye shape; about one-third of the population has some degree of astigmatism.  Board-certified ophthalmologist Dr. Stephen Khachikian...

Am I a Candidate for Laser Eye Surgery? Jun 18th, 2024

You’ve worn glasses for many years, and you’d love to be free of them. It would be great not to worry about remembering to take your glasses with you everywhere.  Board-certified ophthalmologist Dr. Stephen Khachikian performs laser eye surgery, which can dramatically improve your vision. You no doubt have heard...

Common Signs of Keratoconus May 2nd, 2024

Have you noticed some changes in your vision lately, and your eyesight seems to be worsening? Anytime you experience vision changes, don’t wait to see an eye specialist. Always make an appointment at the first sign of a difference in your vision.  Board-certified ophthalmologist Dr. Stephen Khachikian administers a thorough...

When to See a Specialist About Your Cataract Symptoms Apr 2nd, 2024

You’ve noticed that your vision isn’t as sharp as it used to be. You may have been told that you have cataracts, but because they grow very slowly, they may not have bothered you until now. How do you know when it’s time to take action?  Board-certified ophthalmologist Stephen Khachikian,...

Healing From Cornea Surgery: What to Expect Mar 7th, 2024

Your cornea is the clear protective covering on the outside of your eye. If it’s been damaged from an eye disease, inherited condition, injury, or infection, you may need a partial or full replacement cornea. Without it, you could lose some or all of your vision.  Board-certified ophthalmologist Dr. Stephen...

It Seems Like I'm Looking Through Clouds. What's Wrong With My Eyesight? Feb 1st, 2024

You’ve noticed a troubling change in your eyesight. It seems as if you’re looking through a haze lately, yet you’re not around wildfires that could have caused everything to look cloudy. You’ve tried squinting to see if things look clearer, but that hasn’t helped.  Board-certified ophthalmologist Stephen Khachikian, MD, asks...

3 Types of Vision Problems That Respond Well to Refractive Surgery Jan 9th, 2024

Have your glasses been a necessary accessory for years? Perhaps you have to rely on them to see anything in the distance with any clarity. Whenever you go out, you have them on. Or maybe you can’t see the fine print right in front of you.  Modern eye surgery has...

What's the Difference Between LASIK and PRK? Dec 13th, 2023

If you’ve worn glasses for years — perhaps since childhood — you may be thinking that now’s the time to have an operation to correct your vision. You’re longing to be free of your lifetime accessory.  Perhaps your problem is distance vision, or nearsightedness. Your parents discovered that you couldn’t...

Do Cataracts Only Affect Seniors? Nov 15th, 2023

Cataracts are the No. 1 cause of blindness worldwide and the top reason for loss of vision in Americans. The vast majority of cataracts develop in seniors. More than 50% of Americans have been diagnosed with a cataract or have had surgery to remove cataracts by age 80. But cataracts...

Diabetes and Early Cataracts: What’s the Connection? Oct 11th, 2023

If you have diabetes, you know it’s important to keep your blood sugar under control to lower your risk of all kinds of complications, from nerve damage to kidney problems to heart attacks. You might not have been aware that diabetes can also affect your sight.  You may think of...

Cornea Transplant Surgery: Your Guide to an Optimal Recovery Sep 1st, 2023

Whether your cornea is damaged from a disease such as Fuch’s dystrophy, an injury, a condition like keratoconus, or an infection, you’re looking forward to having your eyesight restored through corneal transplant surgery.  Dr. Stephen Khachikian performs several types of cornea surgery, including corneal transplants that replace some or all of your...

5 Possible Warning Signs of Keratoconus Aug 4th, 2023

If you or your loved one has a vision problem, you want to sort it out right away. Difficulty with your vision can impact every aspect of your life.  It’s important to make an appointment with an ophthalmologist who specializes in conditions involving eyesight and has devoted years to advanced...

Can PRK Refractive Surgery Correct My Eyesight for Good? Jul 1st, 2023

Were glasses your first fashion accessory? Perhaps you couldn’t see the whiteboard in school. You’ve worn them for so long that your glasses or contacts are simply a part of your identity, but do you wish you could be free of them or at least not have to rely on...

Can Carrots Actually Improve Your Eyesight? Jun 5th, 2023

At some point in your life, you may have read something or heard someone say that carrots improve your eyesight. Is it true?  One thing is certain: You want to maintain good eye health. You might take your eyes for granted, but what would you do without your sight? If...

Ask These Questions Before Cornea Surgery May 15th, 2023

You’ve learned that you need cornea surgery. There are numerous reasons why your cornea needs repair or replacement — you may have keratoconus, which means your cornea has become abnormally shaped; your cornea might be swollen or torn; or you might have a corneal ulcer.  Board-certified ophthalmologist Dr. Stephen Khachikian diagnoses and treats...

Stop Doing These Things If You Want Good Eyesight When You're Older Apr 10th, 2023

Do you have some bad habits you know you should kick because they harm your body? What you may not realize is that some of those same habits are bad for your eyes.  How long has it been since you’ve had an eye exam? Dr. Stephen Khachikian, a board-certified ophthalmologist...

What Most Don't Realize About LASIK Mar 14th, 2023

If you’re tired of wearing contacts or glasses, you may be ready to investigate LASIK vision correction surgery. There’s a reason why it’s a popular procedure, with approximately 1 million people investing in it annually in the United States. Dr. Stephen Khachikian, board-certified ophthalmologist in Rapid City, South Dakota has...

What Problems Can Affect Your Cornea and How Are They Treated? Feb 14th, 2023

Anything that affects your vision also affects your life. Sight is a precious sense, and your world can easily become more limited if you experience blurred or cloudy vision or a loss of vision. Your cornea, the clear outer layer of your eye, plays a central role in your sight....

3 Vision Problems That Refractive Surgery Corrects Jan 12th, 2023

You may have worn glasses or contact lenses for a long time, but you’d love to be free of them. Keeping track of your glasses can be one more annoyance you’d rather not have. The routine involving contact lenses is tiring.  Eye surgery has advanced tremendously in recent years. Now...

Understanding the Parts of the Eye That Affect Your Vision Dec 8th, 2022

Vision is one of the many miracles in the design of your body. It’s a combination of your eyes and brain working together — your eyes have millions of tiny receptors that send impulses to your brain, and your brain reads and interprets them to allow you to see the...

Why Autoimmune Conditions May Make You Ineligible for LASIK Nov 7th, 2022

Are you interested in LASIK surgery to have clear vision again without glasses or contacts? Historically, patients with autoimmune disorders haven’t been suitable candidates for laser-assisted in situ keratomileusis. Until the recent past, LASIK was contraindicated for patients with an autoimmune disease.  Advancements in LASIK technology, however, have made it possible for...

5 Eye Conditions Caused by Sun Damage Oct 11th, 2022

You’ve enjoyed the summer sun. While some sun is beneficial, it can damage your eyes if you don’t protect them. You may not realize the eye problems that can stem from too much sun on your face when you’re not wearing a hat or sunglasses with full protection from ultraviolet...

Recognizing the First Signs of Keratitis Sep 7th, 2022

Are you having a problem with your eyes? Any change in your eyes’ appearance or other eye issue is important to have checked out because it might point to a serious issue that could put your vision at risk.  Board-certified ophthalmologist Dr. Stephen Khachikian is an expert in diagnosing and treating all...

Is Keratoconus Hereditary? Aug 1st, 2022

Before learning about potential causes, there are two things you need to know about keratoconus because it’s different from most eye conditions.  First, it begins in teens and young adults, so be on alert for vision changes during this time. And second, the condition progressively worsens for 10-20 years before stabilizing.  What...

Having Trouble Seeing at Night? It Could Be Your Corneas Jul 6th, 2022

Night vision isn’t a strong natural ability for humans, particularly when compared with some other animals. Our physiology developed as creatures of light, and our eyesight reflects that. The eyes of animals that are active at night operate differently.  Having trouble seeing at night is a common problem for older Americans....

Will I Still Need Glasses after LASIK Surgery? Jun 7th, 2022

Since its introduction in 1999, LASIK surgery has helped more than 10 million people in the United States improve their vision. With success rates that range between 90% and 99%, LASIK is incredibly effective and, for most, it eliminates the need for corrective lenses, at least in the foreseeable future. At our practice, Dr....

How UV Rays Damage Your Eyes and How You Can Prevent It May 1st, 2022

Sunlight provides us with lots of benefits: Our bodies need sunlight to produce vitamin D, regulate our sleep cycle, and even ward off depression.  At the same time, too much sun can be bad for us. Most of us know the sun’s UV rays play a major role in skin cancer development, for instance. And...

Is Corneal Disease Hereditary? Apr 4th, 2022

Disease that involves the cornea can be painful, worsen over time, and pose a risk to your vision. Fortunately, there are many effective treatments available to relieve your symptoms and address the underlying cause of your pain and blurred or cloudy vision. Board-certified ophthalmologist and cornea specialist Stephen Khachikian, MD, who...

5 Essential Questions to Ask Your Cataract Surgeon Mar 3rd, 2022

About 4 million Americans have cataract surgery every year, making it one of the most common — and safest — types of surgery in the United States.  A cataract causes the clear lens of your eye to become cloudy, and it almost always happens as a result of age-related changes...

Preparing for LASIK Surgery: 5 Things To Do Before the Big Day Feb 1st, 2022

LASIK has an unprecedented 96 percent patient satisfaction rate. Now that you’ve decided to transform your vision — and quality of life — with LASIK surgery, it’s time to get ready for the big day.  Board-Certified Ophthalmologist Stephen Khachikian, located in Rapid City, South Dakota, explains the five things you...

Refractive Cataract Surgery Versus Standard Cataract Surgery: How They Differ Jan 6th, 2022

Every year, more than 3 million Americans have cataract surgery, making it the most common surgical procedure performed. Whether you have standard or refractive cataract surgery, it's a safe and highly effective treatment, especially when you have a skilled surgeon like Stephen Khachikian, MD, at Black Hills Regional Eye Institute...

Learn How a Corneal Transplant Can Restore Your Vision and Reduce Pain Dec 1st, 2021

The first recorded human corneal transplant (keratoplasty) was performed in the mid-1800s. This intricate procedure has been greatly refined in the intervening centuries thanks to advances in medical understanding, technology, and technique.  These days, a qualified eye care specialist can choose from several types of transplant to help restore lost...

How Collagen Cross-Linking Can Treat Your Keratoconus Nov 8th, 2021

You’re having vision problems, and it seems that your eyesight has grown worse almost overnight. You’re experiencing blurry and/or cloudy vision. What’s happening?  You may have a condition called keratoconus, which makes your cornea, the clear coating over your eye, start to bulge out and begin to take on the...

Considering LASIK Surgery? We Answer All of Your Questions Oct 3rd, 2021

Do you constantly lose contact lenses or feel uncomfortable with your glasses? LASIK, short for laser-assisted in situ keratomileusis, might be able to help correct your vision. While LASIK isn’t right for everyone, most people with refractive errors can benefit from corrective eye surgery.  As an experienced ophthalmologist, Dr. Stephen...

How You Can Support Your Eye Health Sep 6th, 2021

We live in a digital world where we spend much of our time staring at phones, televisions, and computers. When we do give our eyes natural light, we might forget how the sun’s rays can affect eyes over time.  If you don’t take care of your eyes, your worries might...

5 Signs of a Cornea Problem Aug 6th, 2021

You probably don’t think of how each component of your eyes works differently but together to show you the world around you. Don’t take your eyes for granted. If you have a corneal problem, you won’t be able to miss the symptoms. Some of the symptoms can be scary, but...

Can Refractive Surgery Help My Astigmatism? Jul 14th, 2021

Vision problems are always a pain. Your eyes are vulnerable to any number of accidents or illnesses, but genetic and growth abnormalities can cause vision abnormalities, too. One of these abnormalities is astigmatism, caused by an error in the shape of your lens or cornea.  Astigmatism can be frustrating and...

4 Common Causes of Vision Problems Jun 20th, 2021

Aging, injuries, and chronic conditions can weaken your vision. We’ve all heard older people when they talk about their vision going out the window, or noticed that our siblings and parents need glasses.  Weakening vision is a normal part of the aging process, but the causes of your weakening vision...

Understanding the Different Types of Cataracts May 3rd, 2021

Getting older always increases the risk for deteriorating body systems. The risk of cataracts climbs as you get older. Some segments of the American population have a 50% chance of developing this vision issue by the time they reach 75.  Fortunately, cataracts typically develop slowly, and treatment measures are available...

What You Should Know About Corneal Transplant Surgery Apr 1st, 2021

The two most important things to know about corneal transplants are that they are one of the most common transplant surgeries performed every year, and they have a high success rate. According to the National Keratoconus Foundation, about 50,000 corneal transplants are performed every year, and 95% of those transplants...

Your Treatment Options for Keratoconus Mar 9th, 2021

While you may associate eye disease with older age, keratoconus usually manifests in your late teens or early 20s. Keratoconus changes the shape of your cornea so that eventually, you can’t see clearly anymore. However, this progressive disease has effective treatments that restore and preserve your vision.  Stephen Khachikian, MD...

Reasons Why Your Night Vision is Declining Feb 4th, 2021

If you’re starting to have trouble seeing clearly at night, but things still look fine during the day, you’re likely one of the many people who are struggling with night vision issues. The good news is that there are plenty of solutions to night vision problems, depending on what’s causing...

See More Clearly in the New Year With Refractive Surgery Jan 12th, 2021

The shape of your corneas affects the way you see. These clear, round domes at the front of your eyes have refractive properties that bend light rays, so it passes through your pupils and creates images. If the cornea is shaped irregularly, you have what’s known as refractive errors, and...

Your Guide to Corneal Mapping Dec 1st, 2020

Your cornea should have a specific shape to properly refract light in your eye so you can see well. That’s why corneal irregularities cause problems. The problem is that because your cornea is transparent and unique to you, it can be challenging to identify problems with your corneas, let alone...

What Does It Mean to Have Astigmatism? Nov 8th, 2020

Do you have blurry vision at both long and short distances? If your vision problems go beyond nearsightedness or farsightedness, you may have trouble seeing clearly due to a common condition called astigmatism.  Experienced ophthalmologist Stephen Khachikian, MD, in Rapid City, South Dakota, is an expert in refractive surgery and...

Understanding the Difference Between PRK and LASIK Oct 1st, 2020

Technological advancements have changed the way surgeries are performed in virtually every speciality, including ophthalmology. Laser technology allows for a level of precision previously unimaginable.  Dr. Stephen Kachikian is an expert in performing laser eye surgery, and participates in research and clinical trials in order to stay up to date...

Do You Have These Symptoms of a Cornea Problem? Sep 10th, 2020

While it’s easy to think of the cornea as the clear protective layer over your eye’s lens and iris, an important job in itself, it’s also the first stage of visual processing. With a curved edge, the cornea starts the light refraction process, helping with both near and far focusing. ...

Recognizing the Early Signs of Cataracts Aug 17th, 2020

If you can see clearly, you probably think your eyes are healthy and not think much about eye diseases or even skip your routine eye exam. However, conditions like cataracts are prevalent, especially as you age. More than 24 million Americans have cataracts, and approximately half of Americans have cataracts...

How Contact Lenses Can Correct Your Cornea Jul 16th, 2020

Vision problems are a very common issue, affecting people of many different age groups. While 12 million people over 40 have been diagnosed with some sort of eye disorder, it also affects nearly 7% of people under 18. Many of these conditions are caused by problems with the curvature of...

Not a Candidate for LASIK Surgery? Explore Your Options Jun 18th, 2020

LASIK (laser-assisted in situ keratomileusis) is a type of laser eye surgery designed to correct myopia (nearsightedness), hyperopia (farsightedness), and astigmatism. The procedure was invented by Dr. Gholam A. Peyman, a retina surgeon and ophthalmologist. In 1989, he was awarded the first patent in the United States. Not everyone is...

Cornea Surgery — Which One is Right For You? May 26th, 2020

You might not have much reason to think about the health of your eyes — specifically, your corneas — very often, but some people certainly do. In the United States, over 47,000 people get cornea transplant surgery every year. Results also produce a high success rate over time, according to...

Top Causes of Blurry Vision Apr 17th, 2020

Vision is a vital sense that gives you a window into your environment. We get most of our impressions about our environment from what we see. What’s more, a larger part of your brain is dedicated to vision than other senses, so when vision problems arise, it can be scary. ...

Tips for a Smooth Recovery After Refractive Surgery Mar 23rd, 2020

Refractive surgery, also called vision correction therapy and laser eye surgery, are procedures that help improve your vision and eliminate or reduce your need to wear contacts or glasses. The two most popular forms of refractive surgery are LASIK, which stands for laser-assisted in situ keratomileusis, and PRK, photorefractive keratectomy. ...

Understanding the 3 Most Common Refractive Problems Feb 18th, 2020

To see, your eyes bend, or refract, light. As the light moves, your retina translates the rays into messages that your brain converts to images. Refractive errors are problems with your vision that make it difficult to see clearly. These problems occur when the shape of your eye makes it...

3 Interesting Facts You Should Know About Your Cornea Jan 1st, 2020

Sitting right at the front of your eye, your cornea sits in front of the other parts of your eye, such as the lens, retina, and optic nerve. This small piece of tissue is the gateway to your vision, and a healthy cornea is key to maintaining your sight. Stephen...

Cataract Surgery: What to Expect Before, During, and Afterward Dec 1st, 2019

Are you over 50? If so, your next 30 years hold the most risk for developing cataracts. In fact, by the time you turn 80, you have more than a 50% chance of having a cataract or you may have already have undergone cataract surgery.  If your vision has become...

Are You a Candidate for LASIK? Nov 1st, 2019

Eye surgery sounds like a big, complicated step to correct imperfect vision. But it’s a common procedure that helps hundreds of thousands of people every year. At the office of Dr. Stephen Khachikian, you can undergo LASIK surgery and say good-bye to glasses and contacts and the hassle and expense...

What Is Refractive Surgery and Is It Right for Me? Oct 1st, 2019

Do you know what it means when you're nearsighted, farsighted, or have astigmatism? It means you have a refractive error impacting your vision. These types of issues develop because of the shape of your cornea, which affects your eye's ability to focus. As an experienced ophthalmologist in the Upper Midwest,...

Common Conditions That Impact the Cornea Sep 1st, 2019

Your cornea covers the outer surface of your eye, focusing your vision and protecting your eye from harmful debris and infection. Its location, however, also leaves it susceptible to damage and disease.  As a cornea specialist, Dr. Stephen Khachikian brings his extensive medical training to diagnosing corneal problems in Rapid...

How to Manage Keratoconus Symptoms Aug 20th, 2019

Keratoconus (KC) is a condition where the cornea thins into a cone-like bulge, which distorts your vision over time. Ophthalmologist, Dr. Stephen Khachikian, specializes in keratoconus and other vision problems. He can help treat your symptoms and prevent the disease from advancing. How is keratoconus diagnosed?  During its early stages,...

5 Symptoms of Cataracts You Should Know Jul 16th, 2019

When your vision is healthy, the clear part of your eye known as the lens helps focus the light entering your eye to create crisp images in your retina. But when you have a cataract, the tissue of your lens grows cloudy, causing your vision to blur, dim, or become...

How PRK Surgery Differs From Lasik Surgery Jun 17th, 2019

The excimer laser revolutionized vision correction. With computer-assisted precision, lasers can reshape corneas with refractive errors, bending light in much the same way as corrective lenses, but with the added advantage of being permanent. Say goodbye to lost glasses and contact lens cleaning hassles. Laser eye surgery isn’t a single...